WERC 2nd edition - April 11, 2012

Dear colleague,

We have the great pleasure of inviting you to the 2nd edition of WERC (Workshop on Education by Research and Competition) to be held in Bucharest, Romania, on April 11, 2012.

The workshop will focus on extracurricular activities that can increase the efficiency and the quality of teaching / learning in technical universities. The workshop targets graduate and undergraduate students and young teaching assistants.

Our target audience is mainly students, and we are expecting contributions from young researchers, PhD students and young teaching assistants that are directly involved in teaching, in Romania and abroad.

Web: http://werc.aii.pub.ro

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Workshop topic

 Research and competition-based activities that contribute to the advancement of the teaching / learning in academia.

Information for authors

Papers should be written in English, have no more than 8 pages and should respect the template provided on the website. For submissions, DOC (Microsoft Word) or ODT (Open Document Format) are preferred.

Papers will be presented during an oral session. Authors of the selected papers will be contacted for more details. The Program Committee will select no more than 10 papers to be presented.

A selection of the final papers will be published in the workshop proceedings (with ISSN number).

Important dates

-        April 1 – deadline for paper submission

-        April 5 – author notification


The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, Department of Automation and Industrial Informatics, Politehnica University Bucharest

prof. dr. Radu DOBRESCU

prof. dr. Radu VÂRBĂNESCU

dr. Loreta ICHIM

drd. Andrei AVRAM

Workshop fees

There will be no fee for the 10 selected papers.

You are welcomed to forward this CFP to your friends and colleagues working in the field.

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